About Us

I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy...etc. You probably came here to see some elaborate reason as to why or how this business started well let me be the first to tell you there isn't any. The only reason this business started is because I am B-R-O-K-E... Yep that's right broke nada, no money, zip, but I want to be a billionaire so freaking bad buy all the things I never had..etc. So I came up with a brilliant plan and by brilliant I mean following YouTube gurus on how to make money and after a couple of minutes of pausing through on "how I made 50 thousand dollars a week" videos I went brain dead because it all seemed like everyone is trying to sell me something, so I said Mackiee if you want to be rich you have to follow the rich and who better to follow than the riches man in the world Jeffery Bezos and that's the story of how the knock off version of Amazon arrived. Now, you're probably thinking, why would I shop with you when I can go to the real Amazon and get the same item, probably even faster and cheaper than what you are selling it for. To tell you the truth, if you are thinking this, I have no reasonable argument on combating that point. But let me ask you a real question: do you really want to continue to make Jeffery richer than what he already is or do you want to do God's work and help a struggling boy and his cat Momo make ends meet   ?. Ask yourself Do you really want to be the reason Momo starves   !. If not, then shop with Mackiee We offer great deals on all our items, including promotional offers. We are not as good as Amazon support, but by the sunset close to the moon we will try our best. Courtesy of Momo the cat. 

What does your cat mean by 'miaow'? Let Japan's pet guru Yuki Hattori  explain | Cats | The Guardian